Imaging in Dentistry is an important complementary exam in proper diagnosis and therapeutic decision making.
Dental radiography is an image of the teeth, jaw and surrounding tissues, resulting from exposure to electromagnetic radiation. X-rays are absorbed in varying degrees, depending on tissue density. The dense tissues are shown in white, the soft shades of gray and black cavities, radiographs showing that the negatives of photographs.
They help in the discovery of problems which are not visible from a simple clinical examination:
- teeth cavities or caries relapses
- diseases of the pulp chamber and root canals
- changes in bone structures associated with periodontal disease
- abnormalities such as cysts, tumors or other changes associated with metabolic and systemic diseases
- presence of teeth included
- maxillary bone fractures
Like the transition from film to digital photography and computer processing, as well as dental radiology slowly move from film to digital radiography conventional, being the strongest expression of the evolution of technology since the discovery of X rays
To make a digital radiography Roengen doctor will use a tube will be placed in the mouth and a sensor, like conventional film. Therefore, it uses the same X-ray emitter, but with changing settings so that the exposure time to be as short as possible and lower radiation dose being reduced by 80%. The patient is protected with a lead apron, fitted with a neck and thyroid shields. All these measures are taken to limit as much radiation exposure to patients.
Special precautions are indicated only for pregnant women and nursing, but as an extra precaution because dental radiography is aimed exclusively jaw and the rest of the body is protected by lead apron. In general, pregnant women are not recommended radiation exposure, especially in the first trimester.
Capturing an image every treatment room in seconds allow for effective dental treatments. Saving time is extraordinary, as is the ability to provide patient images in real time and at a larger size with viewing the monitor.
Another advantage of digital radiography is the superior image quality that reaches the level of a computer with which can be processed and archived thereafter, with the possibility of comparing radiological aspects.